Flowers energized at 80,000 volts - the idea of Robert Bultemana
California physicist Robert Bulteman artist decided to see how the colors will look energized. In order to "ignite" around the contour color blue glow, the photographer uses a device that creates a so-called Kirlian aura.
Robert carefully remove scalpel layers of plants, leaving almost transparent basis. Puts the leaves on the film closes diffusion screen. Then easel placed in a special liquid silicone between two orgstekol and lets talk. Due to the difference of potentials charge glitters and sparkles, and obtained here are highly and bright pictures.
After ionization process ends artist lays on top of a thin optical fiber (thickness smaller than a human hair), and then manually follows the contours of the pattern. True fiber forever torn, and the artist spends a few pieces until you copy the pattern. Sometimes requires 150-200 attempts.
It is not known whether the cost of the effort the result, but beautiful, of course.

Robert carefully remove scalpel layers of plants, leaving almost transparent basis. Puts the leaves on the film closes diffusion screen. Then easel placed in a special liquid silicone between two orgstekol and lets talk. Due to the difference of potentials charge glitters and sparkles, and obtained here are highly and bright pictures.

After ionization process ends artist lays on top of a thin optical fiber (thickness smaller than a human hair), and then manually follows the contours of the pattern. True fiber forever torn, and the artist spends a few pieces until you copy the pattern. Sometimes requires 150-200 attempts.

It is not known whether the cost of the effort the result, but beautiful, of course.