BPM Forum 2012
II International Forum "Engineering Technologies 2012". Held in Zhukovsky Flight Research Institute at the site.
At work I had the opportunity to participate in this event.
The Forum was held from 27 June to 1 July.
For visitors began to work on 29 June.
Photos from 28.06.2012, the
Outstanding ran briskly for an hour for the exhibition and some take pictures, I'm still at work (you need to protect your stand).
And of course able to attend the show of military equipment.
Photos are many, I understand that if I start to spread to 1 you will eat me alive. Otherwise I will have to spend the whole day, that would put all here. On this I ask mercy to the album where you can see all the pictures.
And I begin to spread is the most interesting in my opinion.
So it is possible you can break.
Just a lot can be viewed at the office site offline forumtvm.ru
5. And of course there were models.
6. Bramus (India)
7. Here's a mobility "URA" from Togliatti plant.
8. And of course the Urals.
9. Terminator.
10. Ural in the "unusual" for our performance.
11. Cornet-M.
At work I had the opportunity to participate in this event.
The Forum was held from 27 June to 1 July.
For visitors began to work on 29 June.
Photos from 28.06.2012, the

Outstanding ran briskly for an hour for the exhibition and some take pictures, I'm still at work (you need to protect your stand).
And of course able to attend the show of military equipment.
Photos are many, I understand that if I start to spread to 1 you will eat me alive. Otherwise I will have to spend the whole day, that would put all here. On this I ask mercy to the album where you can see all the pictures.
And I begin to spread is the most interesting in my opinion.
So it is possible you can break.
Just a lot can be viewed at the office site offline forumtvm.ru




5. And of course there were models.

6. Bramus (India)

7. Here's a mobility "URA" from Togliatti plant.

8. And of course the Urals.

9. Terminator.

10. Ural in the "unusual" for our performance.

11. Cornet-M.


