The group Darwin Awards
Until then people bring misery ...
In Nigeria, more than 100 people were burnt to death in an explosion tanker carrying fuel oil.
The accident occurred at about 6:00 am on the road near the village of Okogbe. Tanker tried to dodge the collision with three oncoming vehicles, including a bus. As a result of the sharp turn a tanker truck overturned, spilled fuel. Dozens of people rushed to the car to collect the fuel. To the place of emergency immediately attended the local taxi drivers, hoping to profit by petrol filling materials.
The soldiers are in place to warn people that at any moment can cause a fire, but they did not listen to them.
People until the last moment drew gasoline, although it was real hard blazing flame.
About an hour after the accident, a tanker truck exploded, the people at the center of a raging flame.
Killed at least a hundred people, 35 were taken to hospital. Among the dead are women and children. More than 85 bodies that were too badly burned that they can be identified, or carry, were buried on the spot of emergency in a mass grave. Some of those who were hospitalized, and mutilated beyond recognition. Given the severity of their burns, local authorities do not exclude that there will be more dead.
Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, many people on fire, mad with pain, ran into the forest, and probably killed, but their bodies have not been found. Arrived on the scene police squads are numerous - the authorities fear outbreaks of unrest because of the death of so many people.
In Nigeria, more than 100 people were burnt to death in an explosion tanker carrying fuel oil.
The accident occurred at about 6:00 am on the road near the village of Okogbe. Tanker tried to dodge the collision with three oncoming vehicles, including a bus. As a result of the sharp turn a tanker truck overturned, spilled fuel. Dozens of people rushed to the car to collect the fuel. To the place of emergency immediately attended the local taxi drivers, hoping to profit by petrol filling materials.

The soldiers are in place to warn people that at any moment can cause a fire, but they did not listen to them.

People until the last moment drew gasoline, although it was real hard blazing flame.

About an hour after the accident, a tanker truck exploded, the people at the center of a raging flame.

Killed at least a hundred people, 35 were taken to hospital. Among the dead are women and children. More than 85 bodies that were too badly burned that they can be identified, or carry, were buried on the spot of emergency in a mass grave. Some of those who were hospitalized, and mutilated beyond recognition. Given the severity of their burns, local authorities do not exclude that there will be more dead.
Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, many people on fire, mad with pain, ran into the forest, and probably killed, but their bodies have not been found. Arrived on the scene police squads are numerous - the authorities fear outbreaks of unrest because of the death of so many people.
