Limitation of the Russian Ministry of Finance

Finance Ministry proposed new criteria for the definition of luxury cars. Now under those machines are not to be understood with a certain volume of the engine and worth more than 6 million. Rubles. For the Mercedes-Benz S-Class and BMW 7 Series, which are so popular among officials, the authorities can make an exception. Even if vehicles of these brands will cost more. List of vehicles covered by the payment of an increased vehicle tax, will prepare the Ministry of Industry, and with the price threshold is determined by the Ministry of Finance. Two federal official told "Vedomosti" that "landmark" - 6 million. Rubles. Most likely, the officials and will list certain "luxury" models of cars, which will be updated every year. Most motorists can breathe freely: in Russia, sold no more than 500 supercars a year, and the cost of the machine by 6 million rubles - tenths of a percent of the market. On the other hand, the top version of representative models of Audi, BMW, Jaguar, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche are more expensive in Russia 6 million. Rubles. Therefore, one federal official was the reason as follows: «BMW 7-Series and Mercedes S-Class - not a luxury but a means of transportation business class." Therefore, he said, the list of tax-free fall "brand cars, which are ostentatious luxury."