Lovers of poetry: Marina Tsvetaeva

Born on September 26 (October 8), 1892, in Moscow family. Father - IV Tsvetaev - art professor, founder of the Moscow Museum of Fine Arts named after AS Pushkin, his mother - MA Maine (died in 1906), a pianist, a pupil of Anton Rubinstein, a half-sister and grandfather brother - historian DI Ilovajskij. As a child, because of his mother's illness (consumption) Tsvetaeva lived a long time in Italy, Switzerland, Germany; interruptions in secondary education replenished study in boarding schools in Lausanne and Freiburg. Fluent in French and German. In 1909 he listened to a course of French literature at the Sorbonne.
Specific to the romantic lyricism Tsvetaeva motives exclusion, homelessness, sympathy persecuted backed by real circumstances of life of the poet. In 1918-22, together with small children, it is in revolutionary Moscow, while her husband Efron fight in the White Army (verses 1917-21, compassionate White movement, made the cycle of "Swan Mill"). From 1922 begins the existence of exile Tsvetaeva (short stay in Berlin for three years in Prague, 1925 - Paris), marked by a constant lack of money, poor living conditions, difficult relations with the Russian emigration, increasing hostility to criticism. The best poetic works of the emigre period (last lifetime collection of poems "After Russia" 1922-1925, 1928; "The Poem of the Mountain," "Poem of the End", both in 1926; lyrical satire "Pied Piper", 1925-26; the tragedy in the ancient stories, "Ariadne" 1927, published under the title "Theseus" and "Phaedra", 1928, the last cycle of poems "Poems to Bohemia", 1938-39, was not published during his lifetime, etc..) inherent philosophical depth, psychological precision, expressive style.

August 31, 1941 committed suicide.

Photo №1

Photo №2 - Marina Tsvetaeva and her son


Foto№4 - 1939 passport photo


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