This Pushkin looks somewhat different from all of his portraits

It is known that none of the portraits of Pushkin was not exactly similar to the poet. A photo it is not because Alexander died a couple of years before the first photo cards received. Here's how it describes the LP Nicholas, met in 1833 at a dinner at the Pushkin governor of Nizhny Novgorod: "A little swarthy face was original, but ugly: a large open forehead, a long nose, thick lips - even irregular features.

But he was great - a dark gray with bluish eyes - large, clear. It is impossible to convey an expression of eyes: some burning, and with the caressing, pleasant. I've never seen a person more expressive: smart, kind, energetic.

Designer artem-dap tried to restore the true image of the poet in his death mask, taking into account these historical descriptions.



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