Clearly, this man is one of the most extraordinary musicians and personalities of our time. You can not take a great interest in Japanese culture, you can completely avoid drawing J-rock and all of ignorance and "murkiness" of his repeated periodically that all Asians "for one person" (I hope there are not many). But to know who Gackt Kamui, you should at least in order to realize how far, if desired, may enter the human potential. In the case of Gackt I think that they do not have a limit, or he is not a man :).
The personality of this musician is shrouded in myths solid: nobody knows the first thing Gackt Kamui - it's real name and nickname? The options are many answers, but no one has not yet claim to authenticity. And the name is really a resounding: in Japanese 楽 斗 - Gackt (often reduced, omitted the last sound in pronunciation in the European manner) can be translated as "the music" and 神威 - Kamui - "the will, the power of God." Gackt justifies the name fully.
Gackt himself calls himself an impressionist, but not a singer, although any singer can envy his timbre and intonation.
His voice was mesmerizing, he owns a piano, guitar, drums, strings, brass, as well as Japanese traditional musical instruments at a very high level, knows five languages (Japanese, English, French, Korean, Chinese), is the author of choreographies in his concerts and etc. etc.
YFC LIVE concert in 2010. «White eyes».
Gackt wrote an autobiography, to lift the veil of his life for the fans, but there are more arguments than any of the facts and, in my opinion, that this is not 100 percent revelation somehow had to meet the public interest. That is why its origin, personal life, etc. continue composing legends).
The fame he received after he became a soloist of the very popular group «Malice Mizer» (style Visual kei), and this period was the peak of their creative success (Gackt was the second soloist, there were three), thanks to its proposed diversity of styles in music. However, in 1998, he leaves the band and starts a solo career.
It would seem that with such good looks and a voice to relax, reveling in the glory and resting on their laurels (with the departure of the group has only grown in popularity Gackt). He - the most popular singer in Japan, the fans, the number of which has long gone beyond the limits of his native country, call it god, angel, devil, often even in Western countries to his name added to the respectful Japanese suffix: Gackt-san or Gackt-sama (the highest degree of respect). His appearance is considered the standard of beauty, not only in Japan. Plus 38, he looks much younger than his years. But he continues to make, and look for something new, his songs are rich in instrumentalistikoy and arrangements - often sound losses solo acoustic instruments - guitar, violin, cello, piano (not a synthesizer settings).
In general, what can be expected from a man who in his own words can not stand if someone something is able to do it better, and get results, no matter what difficulties. It's not even perfectionism - too poorly written, rather exorbitant fantastic ambitions that Gackt turns to the possibility that is boundless admiration.
Do I have to do during vocal performances flips and simulate combat with skating? Yes. Motivation Gackt is that it's fun and complexity of execution in this matter involved a priori.
«Lu: na»
Stunningly clear movement during the song «Ghost» (in the video the same choreography, but interesting live performance - vocals + simultaneous movements).
Just Gackt-san managed to distinguish himself as a writer and actor. The most famous films:
«Moon Child»
«Fûrin kazan» (commonly translated "Banners Samurai»)
And Hollywood action movie with a Japanese name «Bunraku» (Japanese puppet theater).
Gackt has a very good taste, manufactures its own line of clothes and silver jewelry.
There are a lot of photo shoots, very successful.
Collecting cold weapon: knives and katana.
Almost always wears a gray or blue lenses or glasses that he has a very beautiful brown eyes.
Very fond of animals.
And the clips are always symbolic, imaginative and beautiful. For example, «The end of silence».
How true it is inherent in the Japanese sense of patriotism: Immediately March 11, 2011 Gackt was organized by the tsunami and earthquake «Show your heart», which is supported by many Japanese musicians.
Action fantastic charisma Gackt striking: during a concert in Barcelona in 2010, the fans sang his songs in Japanese. In English at Gackt songs, he wants to emphasize the beauty of their native language, and tries to avoid the use of foreign words, in principle, although the Japanese bad fall on the music in a technical sense. Japanese lyrics are very meaningful and beautiful.
Well, warm welcome in a summer European tour this year, which began today in Paris, fans certainly can provide!
P.S. Gackt-san, go back to the previous image of dark hair !!! :-)

The personality of this musician is shrouded in myths solid: nobody knows the first thing Gackt Kamui - it's real name and nickname? The options are many answers, but no one has not yet claim to authenticity. And the name is really a resounding: in Japanese 楽 斗 - Gackt (often reduced, omitted the last sound in pronunciation in the European manner) can be translated as "the music" and 神威 - Kamui - "the will, the power of God." Gackt justifies the name fully.

Gackt himself calls himself an impressionist, but not a singer, although any singer can envy his timbre and intonation.

His voice was mesmerizing, he owns a piano, guitar, drums, strings, brass, as well as Japanese traditional musical instruments at a very high level, knows five languages (Japanese, English, French, Korean, Chinese), is the author of choreographies in his concerts and etc. etc.
YFC LIVE concert in 2010. «White eyes».
Gackt wrote an autobiography, to lift the veil of his life for the fans, but there are more arguments than any of the facts and, in my opinion, that this is not 100 percent revelation somehow had to meet the public interest. That is why its origin, personal life, etc. continue composing legends).
The fame he received after he became a soloist of the very popular group «Malice Mizer» (style Visual kei), and this period was the peak of their creative success (Gackt was the second soloist, there were three), thanks to its proposed diversity of styles in music. However, in 1998, he leaves the band and starts a solo career.

It would seem that with such good looks and a voice to relax, reveling in the glory and resting on their laurels (with the departure of the group has only grown in popularity Gackt). He - the most popular singer in Japan, the fans, the number of which has long gone beyond the limits of his native country, call it god, angel, devil, often even in Western countries to his name added to the respectful Japanese suffix: Gackt-san or Gackt-sama (the highest degree of respect). His appearance is considered the standard of beauty, not only in Japan. Plus 38, he looks much younger than his years. But he continues to make, and look for something new, his songs are rich in instrumentalistikoy and arrangements - often sound losses solo acoustic instruments - guitar, violin, cello, piano (not a synthesizer settings).

In general, what can be expected from a man who in his own words can not stand if someone something is able to do it better, and get results, no matter what difficulties. It's not even perfectionism - too poorly written, rather exorbitant fantastic ambitions that Gackt turns to the possibility that is boundless admiration.

Do I have to do during vocal performances flips and simulate combat with skating? Yes. Motivation Gackt is that it's fun and complexity of execution in this matter involved a priori.
«Lu: na»
Stunningly clear movement during the song «Ghost» (in the video the same choreography, but interesting live performance - vocals + simultaneous movements).
Just Gackt-san managed to distinguish himself as a writer and actor. The most famous films:
«Moon Child»

«Fûrin kazan» (commonly translated "Banners Samurai»)

And Hollywood action movie with a Japanese name «Bunraku» (Japanese puppet theater).

Gackt has a very good taste, manufactures its own line of clothes and silver jewelry.

There are a lot of photo shoots, very successful.

Collecting cold weapon: knives and katana.

Almost always wears a gray or blue lenses or glasses that he has a very beautiful brown eyes.

Very fond of animals.

And the clips are always symbolic, imaginative and beautiful. For example, «The end of silence».
How true it is inherent in the Japanese sense of patriotism: Immediately March 11, 2011 Gackt was organized by the tsunami and earthquake «Show your heart», which is supported by many Japanese musicians.

Action fantastic charisma Gackt striking: during a concert in Barcelona in 2010, the fans sang his songs in Japanese. In English at Gackt songs, he wants to emphasize the beauty of their native language, and tries to avoid the use of foreign words, in principle, although the Japanese bad fall on the music in a technical sense. Japanese lyrics are very meaningful and beautiful.

Well, warm welcome in a summer European tour this year, which began today in Paris, fans certainly can provide!
P.S. Gackt-san, go back to the previous image of dark hair !!! :-)