Developments in 2012

1. Magic Glasses Google: shown to the public in June of 2012, sales - in the spring of 2013th
Augmented reality glasses Google does not have windows, but they have tiny transparent screen near the right eye, which imposes a virtual image information on relno world. looked out the window, he sees a small circle with the current temperature is displayed on the building of information about it from Wikipedia, you can see the list of today, the one person talking on the phone, and so on . d. Points understand voice commands. Work on the operating system Android.
Rumors that Google creates augmented reality glasses, went a long time, but they only confirmed in April. In the video Project Glass: One day the main character with glasses communicate with friends, taking pictures, plan routes, - in short, without the aid of any instrument in the hands was doing all the things that we used to do with smartphones. Although the video was more like the concept of technology than showing real product as early as June 2012, Google opened pre-orders for software developers - $ 1,500 in the spring of 2013 will be available is not very presentable-looking prototype, in which, however, according to Sergey Brin, protection quite powerful stuffing. And it is possible that at the end of the same year (or early 2014) points will go on sale.
Perhaps smart glasses become a universal iPad and smartphone simultaneously and create a new niche gadgets and applications for them. Or maybe become a rare entertainment or become "gadget for the military." The Pentagon has already invested in the development of augmented reality contact lenses iOptik, allowing to quickly obtain a variety of information about the world. They are still far from ideal for the "correct operation" require additions in the form of points.
2. Wrap mind reading Muse: sale from July 2013
Muse, developed by InteraXon, a hoop that reads and processes the information about the activity of the brain. Special programs allow you to use the data, for example, to control the electronic device alone is the power of thought. Raising money for kraudfandingovom site Indiegogo was October of 2012, in selling the device will appear in July 2013..
Touch interfaces have become commonplace over the past few years, is no longer at the forefront of progress. And even that Siri, a voice communication system with an electronic device is becoming smarter, and in February 2012, Kinect, a variety of remote control system divays with gestures, became available on Windows, not amazing. Muse can replace all these systems together, moving man-machine communication to a new level of understanding.
Another interesting new device from the sphere of human-computer communication - Leap. It looks like a small box with rounded corners and tracks the movement of hands many times more accurate than Kinect - so accurately that can easily replace a mouse or trackpad. On sale in the spring of 2013.
3. High speed Internet Google Fiber, killer computer: launched in November of 2012
Google this year boasts not only the announcement of smart glasses or tablet Nexus 7, and gigabit internet in Kansas City metropolitan area. The city was chosen from thousands of applicants over a year ago, but the construction of infrastructure do just this summer. In addition to relatively cheap and very fast Internet subscribers get several terabytes of cloud storage and access to HD-TV. If the experiment will be considered successful, the ability to communicate with a remote server at a crazy speed can make almost unnecessary full-fledged computer - all required computations can be done in the "cloud" and the role of the computer is reduced only to send the relevant query. Electronic equipment will be much smaller and much cheaper.
4. Lytro camera for shooting "after the fact": on sale from February 2012.
Lytro - one of the main toy 2012. In fact, each of its frame - a set of pictures on the basis of which the user after the shooting creates its own frame, determining the point where the image is the sharpest, the angle of view, and so on. N. This is the first inexpensive (about $ 400 in the US market) and designed for conventional users of this type of camera. The development was for five years, and in 2011 a start was impressive $ 50 million investment. Lytro is very sensitive and takes off quickly. So far, however, pretty lousy, but the further development of technology these cameras because of its advantages will be able to make a strong competition habitual SLR. Something like that we have already seen: the development of cameras in mobile phones market share took a bite bar of soap, and this year even came out almost a true hybrid, Nokia 808 PureView.
5. Supertelevizory: very large, very clear: on sale from the autumn of 2012
In the autumn of 2012 Sony, Toshiba, LG and Sharp both presented huge TVs with the new standard resolution 4K: screen resolution of 3840 × 2160 with a length of more than two meters diagonally. New items were displayed at the exhibition IFA-2012. The year 2012 was a year of growth and improved screen resolution pictures: smartphones have reached up to 720p, iPad and MacBook Pro line got Retina-display, superior usual 1920 pixels on one side.
The main television exhibition IFA, the flagship of Sony, is worth $ 25,000 and clearly ahead of his time broadcasting in the format of Ultra HDTV will probably not before 2015. Not everything is in order and movies: modern volume Blu-Ray discs is not enough to hold such a super fine videos in the future, is likely to be dominated by digital distribution - high-speed internet Google Fiber will help more than ever.
6. Color "electronic ink": 2013
E-Ink screens allows you to comfortably read "like a paper," save energy, but have a number of drawbacks: they are black and white, slowly updated (the video does not look) and, until recently, were deprived of illumination (without an external source of light is not read) . Since the last issue dealt major manufacturers in 2012, presenting Kindle Paperwhite and Nook with Glowlight. Now it's color and faster updates: such displays are engaged in the company's Mirasol and Pixel Qi, and, according to some estimates, in 2013, could begin mass production of such devices.
7. Phone with flexible screen: the presentation in early 2013
The dream of a "flexible phone 'lives for years, but only now began to take real shape: in 2012 appeared bukrider Wexler Flex One, able to bend in a modest range, and at the beginning of the 2013th at the exhibition CES Samsung will present its flexible 5 5-inch display for smartphones. Turn off the device into a tube in the near future we can hardly begin (Other components can not bend so far, and the display itself is bent until a limited extent), but smartphones at least become less brittle.