China. 70s. Pposhlogo pepepis population. All in a panic, the population of pepevalilo milliapd.
Request help. Mezhdynapodny Committee ppinimaet solution: all stpany stpoit their clinics opepatsy result of our on kastpatsii myzhskoy half of the population.
Subintrusive postpoili Japanese. Chide: 2000 per day on the opepatsy. All in vostopge.
Sledyyuschy papoptyyut stpoitelstvo amepikantsy the end of 6000 for the day on the opepatsy. All in vostopge.
Then papoptyyut pysskie: 12000 opepatsy five minute digits. All in nedoymenii. Sent to the Commission for Verification of.
The Commission sees ogpomnoe field ogopozhennoe barbed ppovolkoy, standing there with a megaphone and ofitsep komandyet:
- In odny shepengy stpoit! .. Happa-ah-in! .. Nagi-and-i-bays ... Eggs neighbor zyby-s-s-s to take!
Then coming to poslednemy behind and from all mahy give emy in the balls. Heard ydalyayuschiysya distance zvyk:
- Hpym hpym ... ... ... hpym hpym hpym ... ... ...
Jew returning from a trip, bringing a gift for the New Year family - luxury popugaihu.
Just removed the veil from the cells, and she cried out: «I want to have sex!» And so the whole day.
I went to a Jewish rabbi. "Rebbe, - he says - what to do with the bird? Expel pity, and keep the house indecent. "
"Give it to me at the time - Rabbi responsible. - I, too, have recently been on a journey, and brought back two parrots. So those I pray for days. I think they will affect your popugaihu. "
They brought the bird to the rabbi's house. They removed the veil from the cells popugaiha shouts: «I want to have sex!»
Parrots stopped praying. We looked at the popugaihu. Then each other.
And one of them said softly: "Izzy, it seems God has heard our prayers."
3 blonde got to the island, and there caught a goldfish.
That, they offered three wishes for three.
The first blonde said: "I want to be smart enough to get out of here."
Fish turned her into a brown-haired woman, and one jumped into the water, swam to the island.
The second blonde wanted to be smarter than the first. Fish made her a brunette, and she built a raft sailed too.
A third wanted to be even smarter, fish turned her into a man, and he left the island by a bridge.
Request help. Mezhdynapodny Committee ppinimaet solution: all stpany stpoit their clinics opepatsy result of our on kastpatsii myzhskoy half of the population.
Subintrusive postpoili Japanese. Chide: 2000 per day on the opepatsy. All in vostopge.
Sledyyuschy papoptyyut stpoitelstvo amepikantsy the end of 6000 for the day on the opepatsy. All in vostopge.
Then papoptyyut pysskie: 12000 opepatsy five minute digits. All in nedoymenii. Sent to the Commission for Verification of.
The Commission sees ogpomnoe field ogopozhennoe barbed ppovolkoy, standing there with a megaphone and ofitsep komandyet:
- In odny shepengy stpoit! .. Happa-ah-in! .. Nagi-and-i-bays ... Eggs neighbor zyby-s-s-s to take!
Then coming to poslednemy behind and from all mahy give emy in the balls. Heard ydalyayuschiysya distance zvyk:
- Hpym hpym ... ... ... hpym hpym hpym ... ... ...
Jew returning from a trip, bringing a gift for the New Year family - luxury popugaihu.
Just removed the veil from the cells, and she cried out: «I want to have sex!» And so the whole day.
I went to a Jewish rabbi. "Rebbe, - he says - what to do with the bird? Expel pity, and keep the house indecent. "
"Give it to me at the time - Rabbi responsible. - I, too, have recently been on a journey, and brought back two parrots. So those I pray for days. I think they will affect your popugaihu. "
They brought the bird to the rabbi's house. They removed the veil from the cells popugaiha shouts: «I want to have sex!»
Parrots stopped praying. We looked at the popugaihu. Then each other.
And one of them said softly: "Izzy, it seems God has heard our prayers."
3 blonde got to the island, and there caught a goldfish.
That, they offered three wishes for three.
The first blonde said: "I want to be smart enough to get out of here."
Fish turned her into a brown-haired woman, and one jumped into the water, swam to the island.
The second blonde wanted to be smarter than the first. Fish made her a brunette, and she built a raft sailed too.
A third wanted to be even smarter, fish turned her into a man, and he left the island by a bridge.