Just dripping a miracle fertilizing under each plant, so that the entire windowsill blooms.
In spring, plants come alive and rejoice in the arrival of warm sunny days. From February to March, it is already possible to help domestic plants wake up from winter hibernation. For this, many different feedings are used. During active growth, plants often lack useful trace elements. Because of this, the flowers can grow slowly, and the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither. Today I will talk about one universal fertilization, you can make it into the soil of domestic plants and feed it seedlings. Zircon for plants is a growth stimulant that helps flowers to cheer up and bloom more than before during the period of active growth.
Growth stimulants for plants are divided into two types: slowing growth and stimulating flower growth. It is necessary to slow down growth when the weather suddenly changes in the spring. When it is not possible to plant seedlings in the ground, gardeners and gardeners use the so-called retardants. They slow down the growth of seedlings so that it does not overripe.
But to accelerate the growth of plants and increase the yield of seeds, as well as to make the plant more durable will help growth stimulants. One of them is zircon. Stimulants can be applied if the plant seems faded and exhausted, if the leaves begin to turn yellow and the plant slowly develops.
Biostimulants and fertilizers are not the same thing. Not all fertilizers are safe for humans and the environment. These additives differ in composition and effect on the plant. Biostimulants improve the growth and development of fertile plants and bring the harvest period closer, make the fruits more tasty, and the plants - beautiful and bright.
Make fertilizing 1-2 times a week 2 times a month. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package. Each supplement has its own norm. Do not add more growth stimulants, as this will harm the plant.
Zircon is a biologically active substance that consists of an alcohol solution with chicory, chlorogenic and kaftaric acids.
These acids are obtained from purple echinacea. Only 0.1 g per 1 liter of alcohol solution animates weak plants and enhances their growth. Zircon is used at any stage of plant growth, it can also be alternated and even mixed with fertilizers.
Zircon solution should be prepared immediately before use. Diluted with water, the product can be stored in a dark place for up to three days. Zircon then loses its properties. Dilute zircon in soft warm water at the dosage indicated on the package.
Before planting seeds, they can be soaked in 100 ml of water with 4 drops of zircon for 8 hours. After such soaking, the seeds will germinate faster and give a good harvest. In a solution of 20 drops of zircon in 1 liter of water, you can soak up to 100 kg of potato tubers. Any root vegetables can be treated with 10 drops of zircon diluted in 10 liters of water. After soaking and processing plantings on your site, you can use the remaining water for irrigation of plants. Such watering will help the root system of plants to fully develop.
If you treat zircon tree crops at the time of fruiting, the harvest will ripen faster and will be stored longer. Zircon can be treated with houseplants during drought, excess moisture, unsuccessful pruning or after transplantation for better rooting.
For indoor plants, 1 ml of zircon is diluted in 5 liters of water. In one capsule of zircon only 1 ml. In order to make a solution in smaller volumes, you can use a pipette and add 1-2 drops of zircon per 1 liter of water. You can type in a syringe for 1 division and dilute in 1 liter of water. This is enough to increase the volume of the root system of flowers, create favorable conditions for the growth and flowering of the plant. The liquid will be convenient to use if you pour it into a spray gun.

Growth stimulants for plants are divided into two types: slowing growth and stimulating flower growth. It is necessary to slow down growth when the weather suddenly changes in the spring. When it is not possible to plant seedlings in the ground, gardeners and gardeners use the so-called retardants. They slow down the growth of seedlings so that it does not overripe.

But to accelerate the growth of plants and increase the yield of seeds, as well as to make the plant more durable will help growth stimulants. One of them is zircon. Stimulants can be applied if the plant seems faded and exhausted, if the leaves begin to turn yellow and the plant slowly develops.
Biostimulants and fertilizers are not the same thing. Not all fertilizers are safe for humans and the environment. These additives differ in composition and effect on the plant. Biostimulants improve the growth and development of fertile plants and bring the harvest period closer, make the fruits more tasty, and the plants - beautiful and bright.

Make fertilizing 1-2 times a week 2 times a month. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package. Each supplement has its own norm. Do not add more growth stimulants, as this will harm the plant.
Zircon is a biologically active substance that consists of an alcohol solution with chicory, chlorogenic and kaftaric acids.
These acids are obtained from purple echinacea. Only 0.1 g per 1 liter of alcohol solution animates weak plants and enhances their growth. Zircon is used at any stage of plant growth, it can also be alternated and even mixed with fertilizers.

Zircon solution should be prepared immediately before use. Diluted with water, the product can be stored in a dark place for up to three days. Zircon then loses its properties. Dilute zircon in soft warm water at the dosage indicated on the package.

Before planting seeds, they can be soaked in 100 ml of water with 4 drops of zircon for 8 hours. After such soaking, the seeds will germinate faster and give a good harvest. In a solution of 20 drops of zircon in 1 liter of water, you can soak up to 100 kg of potato tubers. Any root vegetables can be treated with 10 drops of zircon diluted in 10 liters of water. After soaking and processing plantings on your site, you can use the remaining water for irrigation of plants. Such watering will help the root system of plants to fully develop.
If you treat zircon tree crops at the time of fruiting, the harvest will ripen faster and will be stored longer. Zircon can be treated with houseplants during drought, excess moisture, unsuccessful pruning or after transplantation for better rooting.

For indoor plants, 1 ml of zircon is diluted in 5 liters of water. In one capsule of zircon only 1 ml. In order to make a solution in smaller volumes, you can use a pipette and add 1-2 drops of zircon per 1 liter of water. You can type in a syringe for 1 division and dilute in 1 liter of water. This is enough to increase the volume of the root system of flowers, create favorable conditions for the growth and flowering of the plant. The liquid will be convenient to use if you pour it into a spray gun.
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