Angela Pearl's recommendations for a happy life in October
Here came the brightest time of the year - golden autumn. Trees, before plunging into a long sleep, throw gold robes from rapidly yellowing leaves. October is a variety of colors, a special comfort, reading books, wrapped in a blanket, it is fragrant cocoa and heartfelt conversations with the closest.
This month will be a good month for you. vitalityIt is worth listening to the advice of astrologers. Today's edition. "Site" prepared forecast of changes for October-2019 from the delightful Angela Pearl.
Be sure to listen to her recommendations, the predictions of this astrologer are true and optimistic, and they have helped a lot of people!
The most accurate forecast for October
To make this month even more beautiful, I suggest you learn 26 simple tips that will help you realize your dream and become happy. Follow these simple rules, and you will understand that you are the master of your life and only you decide which way to go!
The first half of October falls on moon-timeThis means that you need to be active and active in the first half of the month. Astrologers advise during this period to communicate more, exchange opinions, make plans and begin to implement them.
But to slow down the pace is only after October 20. At this time, you need to try to complete everything planned, tighten your tails and work on mistakes.
This month will be a good month for you. vitalityIt is worth listening to the advice of astrologers. Today's edition. "Site" prepared forecast of changes for October-2019 from the delightful Angela Pearl.
Be sure to listen to her recommendations, the predictions of this astrologer are true and optimistic, and they have helped a lot of people!

The most accurate forecast for October
- Aries.
Change. financial situationAnd fast and for the better. In terms of personal life, the month will also be favorable. The first half of October is perfect for relationships and any negotiations. Try to spend as much time as possible with your loved one. However, the stars recommend not to enter into conflicts, this will not bring anything good to you or others. Sports are good. Try to get enough sleep and eat well, and then your health will not let you down!
about:blank - Taurus
In the first half of the month, Taurus can comprehend financial failure, difficult situations at work and in career activities are inevitable. An unfavorable situation also looms for health. But after October 20, Taurus can reach important financial agreements, most likely secret. You will also have a favorable partnership. Love and relationships can start in the second half of the month. Try not to freeze so that there are no health problems.
about:blank - Twins.
There will be a lot of work, communication and communication, but you will definitely cope with everything! In the field of finance, everything will be calm, but do not waste money on unnecessary trifles. In October, in matters of personal life, Gemini will be set up for active communication with others. Do not be afraid to meet people who are interested in you - no one can resist your smile and charm.
Sincerity and openness are the key to the heart of new acquaintances. Perhaps now you will find the partner you have long dreamed of. It is worth paying more attention to your health: now is the time to undergo a medical examination or start drinking vitamins.
about:blank - Cancer
Stars promise Cancer A peaceful and productive month. Mercury will enter the 5th House of Cancer, the home of pleasure and success. This means that things and situations will develop in the most favorable way for you. To maintain a good athletic shape, as well as to raise the general tone of the body, sign up for the gym. However, do not overdo it - competently assess your capabilities and distribute the load.
about:blank - Lev
Most of all in October it will be the lions. Things will go especially well in everything that concerns property, real estate, investing money in construction, purchasing new housing. It will be a good month to visit relatives. Leos in solving certain issues can unexpectedly help old connections. This is a good time to change your place of residence. This will be a favorable period associated with pleasant family spending, shopping, up to apartments and cars.
about:blank - Virgo
In October 2019, friends and acquaintances of Virgo will demand increased attention. However, you should not spend too much time on meaningless conversations. Tactfully but confidently interrupt the long complaining stories of friends about naughty children, jealous spouses and unjust bosses. Such a pastime threatens you with a loss of energy and the appearance of an unpleasant sediment in the soul. Don’t let your pessimistic mood take over! Positive emotions and joy will bring travel.
about:blank - Libra
In October-2019, new prospects and cases may open on the way of Libra. It seems that your life will change direction and you will prepare for new and unexpected achievements. Luck can give you what you have been looking for so long. However, not all representatives of this sign will be ready for this. turnaround. In order not to miss a happy chance, act slowly and coolly. This will allow you to maintain the right distance and present yourself from the best side.
about:blank - Scorpio
Horoscope for Scorpios For October-2019, it says that at the very beginning of the month, numerous invitations and a couple of interesting meetings are expected. True, typical representatives of the water symbol will be interested in solitude and tranquility. Many people will want to take a day off or a short vacation to be alone with themselves, take stock of past periods and restore the wasted energy. As for the health of Scorpions in October, in the second half of the month can remind of themselves chronic diseases. Keep them in check will be possible with the help of preventive measures. Use the folk remedies you know, but do not forget about traditional medicine either.
about:blank - Sagittarius
Your efforts will bear good fruit. Sagittarius will have a new good source of income. But you need to remember that in the days of greatest prosperity, you need to make a supply for a rainy day, for it may come to a more mature age. This is a wonderful time for personalization. Spend as much time as possible with your loved one. Favourable travel and travel, especially romantic plan.
about:blank - Capricorn
Changes will come to Capricorns from the beginning of the month. The turning point could begin as early as October 3. The main advice for October is not to skimp on sincerity and not be afraid to overdo it with innovations. On the working front, significant changes are expected, it is better to become their initiator, the council concerns all Capricorns, regardless of their specialty and position. In terms of personal issues, everything will develop on the tracks laid in advance, but you will have every chance to change things for the better.
about:blank - Aquarius
After October 3, Aquarius will feel stronger and more confident. There will be a lot of energy and energy for all planned activities. In October, in the career sphere, Aquarius will be able to win back the territory from enemy encroachments - competitors at work will not have a single chance of success. Turn on the charm, and the work problem, which can not be solved, finally disappears in the air without a trace. Well, if you are going to change something in your personal life, then you will not think of a better time. The stars are on your side. Just keep it a secret from others!
about:blank - Fish
In October, Pisces expects a change in the circle of communication. This means that the fish themselves will change. After all, first we ourselves change internally, and then everything external changes from this: the circle of friends, and communication, and goals, and life itself. In the middle of the month, Pisces will profit from a long-standing hobby that will bring inspiration and optimism. The astrologer claims that it is in October that Pisces will have new ideas and projects that will be developed in November.
To make this month even more beautiful, I suggest you learn 26 simple tips that will help you realize your dream and become happy. Follow these simple rules, and you will understand that you are the master of your life and only you decide which way to go!
The first half of October falls on moon-timeThis means that you need to be active and active in the first half of the month. Astrologers advise during this period to communicate more, exchange opinions, make plans and begin to implement them.
But to slow down the pace is only after October 20. At this time, you need to try to complete everything planned, tighten your tails and work on mistakes.