Children Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez with her children, two-year twins Max and Emmy, will become the new faces of children's clothing line Gucci. While in the past Lopez stated that he would try to keep the kids away from public life. But, as experience shows, celebrities such level for a long time hiding in the shadows of their children is not possible. Advertising photo shoot filmed back in July fotoduet Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott. The shooting took place in Malibu, where the singer with a beloved offspring of the family portrayed carefree frolicking on the ocean coast in clothes from Gucci. Part of the contract Celebrity Gucci was the commitment to make a donation to the UN children's fund UNICEF and the charity fund Maribel Foundation, founded by Jennifer and her sister Linda. Singer Foundation raises funds to provide medical care for women worldwide. A collaborates with UNICEF Gucci for six years. Through fashion brand it managed to collect about $ 7 million in donations.