What are empty calories?

"Empty calories" are calories that have low nutritional value but high numeric value for "calories". High calories give carbohydrates and fats and the nutritional value of foods provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other trace minerals.

Which food contains the most empty calories:

- Fries, chips, fried chicken and other fried products. A large portion of fries can contain up to 570 kcal, 30 gr. fat of which 8 grams. gidrogenizirovanii. French fries is a huge amount of calories from fat and a negligible amount of trace elements.

- Candy, lollipops and sweet. Package of lollipops contains not only a huge amount of sugar, but also various additives and artificial dyes and all. Nutrients in candies available.

- Beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages. Beer contains 150 calories of sugar and very little nutrients. Moreover, calories from alcoholic beverages tend to accumulate in the abdomen. For example, the well-known "beer belly."

Source: /users/559


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