I have a year to give up alcohol and coffee, and that's what came out of it

The former head of design at Spotify and founder of the platform for creative professionals Semplice published in his blog to Medium note about how he gave up alcohol and coffee, and some of the results achieved in 15 months. < Website published an adapted translation notes.

"Today was exactly 15 months since I completely gave up coffee and alcohol. And I noticed some interesting consequences of its failure, "- writes Wang Schneider. In his article, he said that it changed his life.

1. The savings - about $ 1,000 per month h2> Two months after the beginning of the experiment, the entrepreneur said that every month he saves about $ 1,000. "It seems like a lot, but if you think it is not a big number. Imagine that the $ 1,000 I spent only on alcohol - it's about $ 33 a day. Suppose I drink a day 2-3 cocktail, each worth $ 10, to tip waiters and buy a few bottles of wine per month. That's $ 1000 "- says Tobias van Schneider.

Author note clarifies that the we are not talking about alcoholism - in fact, to drink a couple of cocktails each day in New York, it is quite normal.

In addition, Wang said Schneider, sitting at the bar, a person is usually not limited to a couple of cocktails - and he orders more food or snacks ("just because a little hungry"), and the amount of the order increases.

2. Less gossip h2> give up alcohol, the author of the material has become much less to meet with friends. According to him, it was unpleasant each time to explain why he does not drink, and be in the company of drunken friends sober. "If I agree to go somewhere, do not last longer than an hour. These changes have helped me to understand how often our friendship with anyone under construction only on a joint campaign to the bar ».

"No one is calling acquaintances" discuss the latest news sober. " We say: "let's go have a drink" - and we do not need to explain why. Everybody knows what happens next ».

3. Improving the quality of sleep h2> According to Tobias van Schneider, after giving up alcohol and coffee, he became a much better sleep. We are not talking about the process of falling asleep ("fallen asleep after a couple of glasses of wine, maybe even better"), but about the dream.

Van Schneider has become much easier to wake up and feel more energetic. "On the morning of the currently give to know each drunk a glass of beer. Now I feel much better and much better quality sleep ».

4. Less stress h2> «It may be something more personal, and perhaps this effect giving up alcohol and coffee will produce not at all." According to the businessman, after giving up coffee, he began to experience less stress. Furthermore, it has returned to normal digestion.

Now Van Schneider basically drink tea. Since the hike in the coffee shop, in his opinion, most social ritual in this regard in his life almost nothing has changed - instead of coffee he orders tea.

Conclusion h3> The businessman said that the decision to abandon coffee and alcohol, he accepted not because it felt bad, but out of interest. The results of the experiment satisfied the author and not going to return to the use of harmful beverages.

"I urge everyone to follow my way. If you are all well and you're happy with your life, you do not need to change anything, "- he writes.

via medium.com/desk-of-van-schneider/no-alcohol-no-coffee-for-15-months-this-is-what-happened-1a2d052be9e7#.s0x4ct8ek


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