How does a girl who daily exercise 4 hours and eats only 1,000 calories a day

Meet Maggie Russell (Maggie Russell), her 20 years, she is a successful fitness model who trains every day at 4:00 and eat only 1000 kcal.

But do not worry, she does not live in this mode all the time, just now it is preparing for the championship "World Beauty, Fitness and Fashion", which of course is planning to win

At the moment, she has excluded from your diet carbohydrates and included daily four-hour workout to relief on her body how to draw the

Now Maggie Russell eats only protein and vegetables and is engaged in weight training 6 days a week and a whole week without a break she spends cardio twice a day

It becomes clear that the energy consumption of a little girl uses a negligible amount of calories, which ultimately can lead to health problems

We hope that Maggie has not gone too far, and she knows what makes

On Instagram athletic girl with huge shoulders and wasp waist signed by more than 19 thousand people who watch her preparing for a competition

Hard to believe that a girl with such a pretty face has the muscles!

Left in May 2015, October 2015 and on the right


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