Main Color Art - Orange

Fifty shades oranzhevogoProgrammist created these stunning graphics to identify the dominant color art. Orange has always been the most popular color, though in recent years it has started to catch up with blue.

"I did visualize changes color paintings in the historical retrospect" - says Martin Bellander, graduate student of the Department of Psychology at the Karolinska Institute, came up with this schedule.

To create it, he wrote a special program that analyzed the images of paintings from the source, available as a free download, - BBC, Google Art, Wikiart, Wikipedia, as well as the sites of various museums.

Then, the program extracts the necessary information about the color pictures. Thus it was found that the predominant color of the picture is changing over time - from orange to blue.

"Changes in color may be the result of a combination of many factors - he writes, - one of the reasons may be the trend in the use of color changes in time. For example, the appreciable increase in blue during the First World War, probably, in fact, reflects the true trend in the use of colors of the time. One of my favorite - site BBC, where you can view over 200 thousand pictures. This is an amazing resource ยป.

Some experts say that might change the prevailing colors in the pictures due to the price of the paint. Martin believes that they are wrong, as it did not find much difference in the prices of blue and orange paint.



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