15 best domestic cartoons that just have to see your kids

It should look at your children

1. There once was a dog (1982) Eduard Nazarov

2. Hedgehog in the Fog (1975) Yuri Norstein

3. Winnie the Pooh (1969) Fyodor Khitruk

4. The Mitten (1967) Roman Kachanov

5. HOLIDAYS Bonifacio (1965) Fyodor Khitruk

6. Tale of Tales (1979) Yuri Norstein

7. The Heron and the Crane (1974) Yuri Norstein

8. Film, Film, Film (1968) Fyodor Khitruk

9. The Kid and Carlson (1968) Boris Stepantseva

10. Cow (1989) Alexander Petrov

11. Snow Queen (1957) The Lion Atamanov

12. CHEBURASHKA (1971) Roman Kachanov

13. The Story of a Crime (1962) Theodore Khitruk

14. The Plasticine Crow (1981) Alexander Tatarsky

15. ANT TRIP (1983) Eduard Nazarov


See also

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