Can I become a successful acrobat with no legs? In this brave girl has a definite answer.

Its vocabulary is not the words "can not". She - a successful acrobat. However, there is one small NO.

Jennifer Bricker was born without legs. Seeing a disabled child, the parents left the girl in the hospital. Bricker family decided to take the baby and raise it on an equal footing with their three sons. They were brought up in the spirit of a strong girl and taught her that she should not be any barriers in life. If Jennifer wants something, she will always be able to achieve this. The girl did so - she became a talented acrobat and denied all physical laws. Jennifer Bricker has c childhood diligently involved in sports.

Once the 16-year-old Jennifer asked his adoptive mother of the biological parents and about his real name. My mother told me that her real name was Mochanov. Incredible! It turns out that Olympic champion Dominique Mochanov - her biological sister. Surprisingly, Jennifer since childhood was equal to this talented athlete, Dominique was her idol. Learning about Jennifer, famous athlete could not believe how a man without legs can become successful in acrobatics. She wanted to quickly get acquainted with this brave girl. The sisters met.

Now Jennifer successful acrobat. She even once managed to take part in a concert Britney Spears. In spite of its defects, she lives a normal independent and fulfilling lives.

If you exclude from your vocabulary the word "can not "all you can! Share this story with others motivirueschey.


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