& quot; more color & quot; - Paul Lange project

Paul Lange - American fashion photographer. He photographed many celebrities, including Hillary Clinton, Cindy Crawford and Monica Bellucci, and then suddenly for themselves and others created the project "more color».

In his autobiographical column on its website the photographer says that the world is tired of large gloss and want to switch to natural objects. For this reason, he began to take photos of birds and nature, man-made objects, colors, and industrial landscapes.

I hate photoshop and different graphics. Well, what is all this? If there is the very nature and its gifts. You just have to take a picture so that the best moments of stress. Soul plant, probably so?

Photos posted by Paul in many art galleries in the world and regularly exhibited in a unique series of exhibitions in the world. Paul continues to complement the set, comfortable with his passion. In life enough, at the time Paul himself provided a good. Together with his wife Jennifer and two children, Paul lives in upstate New York.


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