Linguistic with Russian buildings

Builders Olympic fined for native language

You will have to pay 100 rubles for each guest workers who dare to use working time native speech.

1 photo, lyrics

This ad is translated into several languages. Builders are dissatisfied with innovation.

Administration of the Olympic capital in 2014 assures us that we are not talking about ethnic discrimination. Prohibition of communication in the mother tongue introduced solely for the purpose of safety of workers.

The announcement of the introduction of penalty sanctions came in the construction trailer of one of the objects in the area of ​​Krasnaya Polyana. To facilitate the understanding of the phrase "talk at a construction site only in Russian!" Is translated into 3 languages: Tajik, Kazakh and Uzbek.

 - At the Olympic construction work by representatives of more than 20 nationalities, - the Life News in the Office support the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. - In such circumstances, the language issue is a matter of security. Imagine that a crane worker shouts "Get away!" In Uzbek. A worker - Tajik and Uzbek does not understand.

For this multi-national construction projects put on the rule: to talk while working only in Russian.

In addition, the security forces believe that the innovation will help to avoid diversions on construction sites.

 - We monitor and check each worker coming to the construction of Olympic facilities - told in law restriction Sochi. - Leaders of the objects bring us a list of guest workers. If all they say in Russian, is less likely that people will be able to sneak from colleagues dogovritsya of any crime.

The workers believe that the leadership has taken on the language issue solely in order to put an end disgruntled gossip behind his back.

Many gasterbaytery doubt that in a short time be able to overcome the "great and mighty." As a compromise, they offer the leadership to go to a classical building Slang, consisting mainly of Russian obscene language.




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