People voiced by Hollywood stars

Behind every famous Hollywood star of the "fixed" characteristic, and has many memorable Russian voice that we hear from the screen. From film to film, these voices remain unchanged, especially the most that neither is a popular actors and actresses. Amanda Seyfried - Ludmila Ilina

Charlize Theron - Maria Ovchinnikova

Charlize Theron - Maria Ovchinnikova

Bradley Cooper - Peter Ivashchenko

Channing Tatum - Denis Bespalyi

Megan Foks- Tatiana Shitova

Scarlett Johansson - Tatiana Shitova

Penelope Cruz - Marianne Schultz

Daniel Kreyg- Valery Solovyov

Angelina Jolie - Olga Zubkov

Johnny Depp - Alexander Bargmann

Robert Downey ml.- Vladimir Zaitsev

Keanu Rivz- Vsevolod Kuznetsov

Brad Pitt - Vsevolod Kuznetsov

Ryan Gosling - Andrew Barkhudarov



See also

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