The most beautiful actress (35 photos)

We offer you a list consisting of the 35 most beautiful actresses in recent decades.

Penelope Cruz

Jean Harlow

Lauren Bacall

Sophia Loren

Marilyn Monroe

Elizabeth Taylor

Grace Kelly

Dorothy Dandridge

Audrey Hepburn

Jane Fonda

Diana Ross

Faye Dunaway

Pam Grier

Ali Macgraw

Cybill Shepherd

Lauren Hutton

Michelle Pfeiffer

Kim Basinger

Meg Ryan

Julia Roberts

Nicole Kidman

Winona Ryder

Cameron Diaz

Michelle Yeoh

Gwyneth Paltrow

Halle Berry

Jennifer Lopez

Drew Barrymore

Natalie Portman

Charlize Theron

Angelina Jolie

Raquel Welch

Farrah Fawcett

Brooke Shields

Demi Moore


See also

New and interesting