Just one phrase that will instantly stop a child's tantrum

Rugrats! A second ago, the kid was playing and laughing, and now he is ready to burst into tears and throw such a performance that he will surely wake up all the neighbors, and not only yours.

The site has found an effective way to prevent a child's tantrum in a second, and invites you to test it.

It doesn't matter what exactly happened. Maybe your favorite toy broke or your mother forbade you to eat the tenth candy in a row. Whatever it is, do not waste time on long parenting tirades that the child will not hear anyway. Instead, calmly and kindly ask him the right question:

If a child is upset that a friend doesn't want to share a toy with him, don't wait for the child's screams to get out of hand. Ask your child right away: "Is this a big, medium or small problem?" And after his answer, invite them to think together how to fix this trouble , no matter how large it may be. Maybe I should take another toy? Or invite a friend to play together? There are so many options!

Child psychologists explain that there are three main reasons why such a seemingly common question has a calming effect on children:

  • The child sees that we accept and respect his feelings.
  • The question allows the child to stop, think and correctly assess any situation.
  • Asking this question, parents are kind of asking the children to figure out how to solve the problem that upsets them so much.
Thus, by asking this question and having a quiet conversation with your baby for a few minutes, you will save much more time and, moreover, will gain his trust.

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