Scientists have created the darkest material on Earth

A group of scientists have created, as they say, the most black material on Earth, which absorbs almost all the light that comes across it. The material was prepared by the research group of Scientific-technological University named after king Abdullah, is Saudi Arabia.


Feature of the material lies in the fact that it consists of a series of tiny nano-spheres, each of which is attached to nanocylinder. Due to this structure, the surface can absorb from 98 to 99 percent of light in the spectrum of wavelengths between 400 and 1400 nm. This effect is achieved regardless of the polarization angle at which the light hits the surface. In addition, whereas other similar materials are able to absorb more light of only certain types of spectrum, the new material has more features and consumes 26 percent more light than any other known material.

The results of the work of scientists from Saudi Arabia was recently published in the scientific journal Nature Nanotechnology. Interestingly, the inspiration in creating this material was taken from the features of Cyphochilus beetles (white scarab). The shell of this beetle has a complex crystal structure that is remarkably efficiently reflects fall on her light. Scientists decided to recreate this structure and make it absorbed as much light as possible. As a result, they got a surface consisting of nanoparticles, and created in it a series of randomly spaced grooves. When injected into these grooves light waves, they are not reflected back.

The resulting material has a huge potential benefit. The team of researchers behind its creation, believes that such smertelnye materials in theory can be used in solar batteries for solar fence light. Material can greatly increase the efficiency of such installations. published

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