As well sometimes get sick, so the running interrupt is the only means


As well sometimes infection

to running interrupt is the only means.

Under the warm blanket climb

and remember how was sick when we were kids.

There's winter — the whole world is frozen...

Drink with a bitter sweet mine medicine

and anxious mother's question

you just add the temperature.

White stick out your tongue,

"but" you say, opening the throat,

and look, detached from the living,

give to understand — say, the hands of death stretched.

How sweet of yourself to tears regret

in dreams to prepare spooky surprises

take and in spite of all loved ones to die,

that is no longer blamed for the vagaries.

Imagine — put you in a coffin

mother in tears, buddies full of humility.

And has a scattering body chills,

as the anticipation of future crashes.

Five days later, unfortunately, you're healthy...

Wrapped and brought to the sun,

and you forgot resentment, the doctors...

And the thought of death is sleeping on the bottom of the well.

© Eldar Ryazanov

Source: /users/1077


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