No more dark spots: the mask will deliver you from the problems with the skin in just 30 minutes!

Many women suffer from a variety of skin defects of the face and often can not go out, do not disguise their foundation layer. Today, our editorial staff offers your attention a unique recipe for a mask, which will help get rid of freckles and pigmentation. Soon you will forget about the foundation forever ...

It is a proven tool will provide smooth complexion in a month! In addition, Mask of oatmeal effectively tightens pores. Fading skin acquires elasticity and wrinkles smoothed.

Face mask of ovsyanki

You need
1 tbsp. l. natural honey 100 g of milk 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal

Mix all ingredients until smooth. To align complexion , thoroughly clean the skin before applying the tool. Allow the mask to act for about 30 minutes, then wash away it with broth chamomile or warm water.

Share with your friends this exclusive recipe for a mask that makes the skin marble face!


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