Forget about the dirty grate for the oven! With this secret, it will be like new ...

< The grid for oven can be perfectly clean, even if you are using it constantly! There is a tool that will remove all the dirt and grease without a trace. I use it periodically, and the result had never disappointed ...

How to Clean reshetkuTebe need
  • an old terry towel
  • 0, 5, Art. laundry detergent or dishwashing detergent
  • hot water
  • dirty grill

    What to do
    1. Cover the bottom bath towel to protect it from scratches.
    2. Place the grill oven with a towel and zaley it with hot water. Add the water 0, 5, Art. washing powder, liquid detergent for dishes or soda. Leave grille in soapy water 5 hours, the solution can be done in the evening and leave the bars all night.
    3. When the grill thoroughly otmoknet, rub it with a hard sponge. Great view!

      Baked apples and pumpkin, chicken wings, mushrooms and other vegetables - dishes that I always cook on the grill. The oven becomes dirty very quickly ... It's good that this basic way to clean the grille can be in a jiffy! And here is the video, which shows the work process.

      < The grid plate looks pristine, and it does not need expensive tools. Share a secret with helpful friends, it is precisely in handy!


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