20 photos of people and their pets years later

When people and pets grow up together, they begin to associate even stronger bonds of friendship and love.

You change, and change your pet with you. Once he fell asleep on your pillow, and now you're even in the same bed will not fit.

See 20 amateur photographs that touch the soul and make appreciate every moment spent with a four-legged friend.

14 years

17 years together

It has been 10 years

3 months later

After 6 months

16 years inseparable

17 years together

7 months later

Was - was

Then and now

A year has passed

5 months later

After 6 months

4 years later

A year has passed

Then and now

12 years together

3 months later

It took 5 months

After 10 years

See also: 20 pictures, showing that there is no one devoted dog
Post proving that cats have golden hearts
Back to childhood

via www.adme.ru/illustration-and-photography/vernutsya-v-detstvo-589405/


See also

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