23 signature masterpiece that speak for themselves

There are people who find the freedom of expression, even in such everyday things as signature. Sometimes it's just some ridiculous scribbles, but it happens that the signature does not look worse than the intricate pattern.

Website has collected 23 signatures, whose owners know how to celebrate.

The passport painted the handle?

Almost «Metallica»

That's what the signature kryuchkom

Signature Head of the Federal Migration Service!

And - individualnost

With lyubovyu

The main thing - to be able to repeat the podpis

Bulb Ilicha

Slightly not rasschital

Without zamorochek


Few ponervnichal

The passport has not regretted the ink, but the citizen was prosche

When laziness something vyrisovyvat

Optimism splashing over the edge!

Break shablona


It will be difficult to counterfeit ...

Creative lichnost

Simple and vkusom

Razzudis, shoulder! Razmahnis, hand!


Seals seized not only internet

via # image18658460


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