9 facts that programmers know and do not know all the other

Fact 1 h4>

Under the hood is the most critical programs that you use on a daily basis (Mac OS X or Facebook) contains an awful lot of hacks and crutches, which are difficult to get along with each other. It's as if you've seen the 747 and found that the fuel keeps clothes hanger, and the chassis had looped tape. Blockquote> Ben Cherry

The program code is such that even if the site or the program work well and look great behind the scenes all that makes it work, is made up of mistakes, blunders and crutches. It works just barely, and sometimes do not understand why.

Fact 2 h4>

25% in programming time is spent on thinking that the user can not do so. Blockquote> Brian Hyums

It actually takes more or less percent of the time, but every time we really need to think - and that the user can immediately break. Where presses that will enter, and how we can understand what we're trying to do is wrong. If we count only on themselves, the program would be too much trouble - because we know how the program works, and the user does not know.

Fact 3 h4>

Programmer - it's not an expert computer repair blockquote> Ritesh Kumar Gupta

Programmer works with algorithms and design principles, and does not repair computers. We can understand how a computer works and how the code is executed. But this does not mean that we are able to repair iron. We do not know what the problem in Chrome drops it on your computer, or why your computer is overheating. Programmers program computers rather than repairing them.

Fact 4 h4>

Programming - this thinking, rather than printing blockquote> Casey Patton

For the most part we program when we sleep, walk, look out the window, or do anything else that allows us to relax and think. Relaxation - one of the most important aspects of programming. You can not just sit down and write a thousand lines of code and insert them into the program. We need to sit, walk, think. Come up with a concept to fix her flaws, decide how it will work ... Relaxation - the only way that we can use to fix problems.

Fact 5 h4>

The countdown starts from zero blockquote>
 This is important. Counting comes from scratch - your 1 0 this is my, your 10 is my 9. All of the need to do things efficiently when even a small increase in efficiency can scale to increase productivity.

Fact 6 h4>

Programming best in the stream - in this state of mind, when you are focused on the task and everything seems simple. This condition is also familiar to athletes and musicians. Blockquote> Morgan Johansson

Programmers like to work at night because it allows us to enter the stream, focus on something one and not worry about what we can divert. All the rest are just sleeping. This is the time of day when no one is around, no one is calling and trying to talk to us. The perfect time to think and to program.

Fact 7 h4>

It is sometimes useful to postpone the issue until the morning blockquote>
 Sometimes programmers really helpful, meeting a challenge, sleep "with it." Many times I have met with the fact that I could not spend hours to decide something, but after only 20 minutes of sleep (or any other sleep) wake-up solution comes naturally.

Fact 8 h4>

«Parent" can kill their "children" when their task is completed blockquote>
 Not the kind of phrase that would like to hear from anyone. But for programmers, it does not sound so bad. Programs often have a hierarchical structure, where the parent controls its child processes running on a level below.
When the parent process the child is no longer needed, it kills him - when the program will have nothing else to do, finish its execution.

Fact 9 h4>

You do not impress with how much we know about computers. We are not impressive how little you know about them. Blockquote>
 For Real. Enough already. We do not care how you proud that do not want to learn new things. Clearly, if you say "I do not know much about computers," or "I'm not interested programming" - but when you boast about how much you do not know it, it's just annoying.

Source: habrahabr.ru/post/252483/


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