Artifacts earliest times. Part 3.

I've got a lot in store other people's photos with subjects earliest times. I recently began to delve into them and decided to put a few pieces, particularly those that are in any way connected with me, those when you look at something that comes to mind.

The first part

The second part of

18 photos.

Here you have a ticket office in the bus. Like the fact that when we turn knob to got a ticket, go to coin money on a rubber band.

2.Mne such a tool gave at least 3 times. Why, why - is unclear. It would be better guitar presented once, you see learned to play a bard would ...

3.A still corresponded with their peers abroad, I do not remember just where addresses were taken ...

4.Spravochny machine at the station. Very much I like the sound with which it worked - sort of anything not related metal claps.

5.Ta most bologna. Almost everything in it went.

6.u each of us has at least one grandmother, grandmother and each had at least one box with buttons. If the box is not there, it means that the grandmother is not real.

8.Tumbochka classic. It is near a standing army in the dress.

9.Tochilki. Was the most massive fish.

10.A this contraption for drawing ornament on the plastered walls. On the rubber roller was drawing roller dipped in silver paint and rolled on the wall. Wallpaper then were in short supply. Apply reel was not necessary, but to live in a room decorated in this way - yes.

11.Neprolivayka. Or neprolivashka? In general, should not have been out of it splashed ink. Mother sewed for them special bags, bags clings to these portfolios. If these portfolios to fight, it becomes clear that neprolivaemost - is a myth!

12.Otets said it - Tank watch, and he understood.

13.Ochen I loved looking through the transparent back cover as spinning wheels. Died 4 years ago.

14.Ofitsersky belt - it was great. But somehow I got to the warehouse Army scrap and then made a canvas strap with inserts of machine-gun belts.

15.Seld iwashi - fish from the late USSR. Remember? The store iwashi - Bring polpoluchki. She really was much more expensive than conventional seledki.Seychas say again become caught.

16.Roditeli keep their money in such bonds, they were called gold loans.

17.A I tried to keep such, but alas ... all gone ...

18.I Finally - except simple watercolors were still paint, called "Honey". Somehow I think that everyone tried to lick them.


See also

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