Clean air

I will not even offer a guess that in the bank. From the title it is clear - clean air the Chinese sell.
Chinese yuan spread 5 (0, $ 80) to get a taste of "pure Tibet" or "post-industrial Taiwan».

In China right now, such a nightmare with the atmosphere. In Beijing, for example, recommend seldom leave the house.
The content of particles in the air PM2.5 reached a record - 900 micrograms per square meter, at a rate of 20.
Therefore, the advertising company millionaire Chen Guanbao selling miracle canned clean air goes with a bang.

For the first time these products appeared on the shelves of Chinese stores in September 2012 and immediately attracted the attention of buyers. According to the millionaire, the first day of the sale of canned oxygen earned him $ 800. However, despite the profitability of his invention, Chen argues that the main objective of its development was to draw attention to the critical situation that arose in China - air pollution and the environment.


See also

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