Life of Walter Mitty

At the beginning of the year on the screens out the film, which is, I think, need to see everyone. There is no advertising, there is only a sincere wish to receive a good mood and a charge of watching the good and positive.
Under the cut a small review.

Who said that in the heart of the little man can not live the great dreams? Even a modest and inconspicuous employee sometimes want to let him make insane, but heroic deeds, to believe in their strength and courage. Why should all save only supermen?

Here is a small review.

The new year will begin with kindness.

The film looked at the press screening in CF «October».

Walter Mitty - ordinary worker fotootdela, preparing to move to an electronic version of the magazine. His life is boring and very ordinary, at least he thinks so. The crisis of his mind played with him quite a funny joke: sometimes he is able to freeze in place while ignoring the outside world, to immerse themselves in their illusions, which are nothing else than the apogee of pink dream man. In his dreams he is a hero, a passionate womanizer and man-luck. For he was accustomed to such proceeds and this for many years, and the roots of the reasons for this lie far in his youth ...

The magazine prepared a big cut, so all employees have to give everything to the maximum while working on the final release of the printed version. Mitty gets a responsible task: to prepare the cover of the last issue, but you need a frame is lost, and now he has to find it in that that was not to save his job. Now he has to find the sender - the famous traveler Sean O'Connell, but the task is not quite easy.

Ben Stiller has long proved themselves as very successful director in the genre of comedy, but less than all of this a successful humorist expect to see something essence is not a comedy, and even very spiritual, romantic and sentimental, but the main thing that still did not look farcical and sincerely and sensually. The origins of these motifs can be seen in his work, but it was minor - the focus on this has not been done. Mitty could excite the public even at the level of the trailer, promising a bright and soul band, which would reflect the problems of modern society in which people have to spend their lives in endless dreary job office plankton, without even having the time or the courage to think about something bold, about life in the pleasure. Tape was expected to feature regular violation of this world system, the history of the fighter with her. In part, the way it came out, but the social subtext cleared away in the background. Ben Stiller shows us that we should not despair, it is not necessary to come to the despondency and bitterness, and calls to be optimistic, as if hinting that even the most seemingly gray and boring life of a man whose career or financial success spared, absolutely not so. What is it, in spite of everything, still life. What kind of life can be much brighter and bolder outwardly successful careerist. There is not felt promise that does not need to be a fanatic of something without putting his life on the sacrificial altar of career, no. In this regard, the film quite empty. But this emptiness is the ease and sincerity, simplicity of life. In addition, all attached great visuals, which is as diverse in its indescribable beauty bright landscapes and landscapes (God forbid health tape operator) calms the viewer. In particular, and this brings us to the main message of the painting: dream no matter what. Dreaming, even if other people will not understand you or condemn. In this sense, liberal and extremely selfish notes, but in the film it is not visible.

The picture is perfectly suited to your mood festive time. Here the company is very well podgadat picture time to return to the rental. She's practically universal in all. Everyone's taste. Then you light drama, romantic comedy, exciting adventure that will leave some powerful action scenes, which put on the blades of many published this year blockbusters. Only one picture is not universal and is extreme: in the positive, as stated above. It then can be sad, it can cause a person to cheer (jokes here are very kind and funny, though not stupid not done, but the rejection and condemnation did not cause), and can even cause and negative emotions that might seem mutually exclusive section for an interview on the extreme positive, but no.

Insanely beautiful visually tape, which does not bear a special artistic value, without offending the audience well entertained, gives good and festive mood, offering simple and clear to every man story. Availability emotionally 100%, even if the quality is very poor. But if from a Hollywood blockbuster comic veteran makes viewers feel of little and old, one is expensive.

And of course the trailer. All good!




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