
Do not say that the day is overloaded super-event, but for someone like ... So:
1555 Nostradamus publishes his book-quatrains predictions. Encrypt it them with great zeal - the presentation was conducted in a mixture of four languages. Including dates, he did not burden himself, the chronological sequence of the narrative and not paying much attention. So, in principle, in the absence of specifics, behold in these predictions can then pozhelaet.Nu soul, "predict" such events in the history of mankind as war, political intrigue, murder catastrophe yes - I beg you, do not be a predictor. In short, the "Battle of psychics," as for me ...
1872 - Opening of Yellowstone National Park. Garna thing. The first national park in the world biosphere reserve by UNESCO and other heritage ...
1873 - put into production the first Remington typewriter name ... and so would not he want clave today and drove stylus on the touch screen ...
1954 - the explosion of a hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll. Injured fishermen-skid Japanese fishing vessels, of course, he atoll. Well, a bunch of people protesting - from Bertrand Russell to Albert Einstein ...
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