Oh, zavalyuuuuuuu!
Hainan Province, China police train their skills of martial arts.
Interestingly, this is all he wants to line up with one blow, or simply put the scare, flying from their nose ...?
© AP
Fotozhabu: Virus in ICQ, 12111
Floating in the air
Fotozhabu: corporate channel on the 1st!
Fotozhabu: Govnoposting
Fotozhabu: Arkady and forest
Fotozhaba on Aliens (14 works)
Fotozhaba about politicians at the Olympic Games (11 works)
Fotozhaba on frightened people
Fotozhaba on Medvedev
Fotozhaba game moments on the Russian team
Fotozhaba on fat-biker (59 fotozhab)
Fotozhabu the girl with a gun
Fotozhabu on the famous men
Fotozhabu: chocolate "Alexander Bulgakov"
Fotozhabu: Thoughtful
Fotozhabu: Morphine
Fotozhabu: Naked Fisherman
Fotozhaba: Attractive Location "Ruble"
Fotozhabu: Duet Nepara
Fotozhaba: Hello!
Fotozhabu: Migrant workers
Fotozhabu: Carlsberg
Fotozhabu: Nicholas Sarkozy
Fotozhabu: Virus in ICQ, 12111
Floating in the air
Fotozhabu: corporate channel on the 1st!
Fotozhabu: Govnoposting
Fotozhabu: Arkady and forest
Fotozhaba on Aliens (14 works)
Fotozhaba about politicians at the Olympic Games (11 works)
Fotozhaba on frightened people
Fotozhaba on Medvedev
Fotozhaba game moments on the Russian team
Fotozhaba on fat-biker (59 fotozhab)
Fotozhabu the girl with a gun
Fotozhabu on the famous men
Fotozhabu: chocolate "Alexander Bulgakov"
Fotozhabu: Thoughtful
Fotozhabu: Morphine
Fotozhabu: Naked Fisherman
Fotozhaba: Attractive Location "Ruble"
Fotozhabu: Duet Nepara
Fotozhaba: Hello!
Fotozhabu: Migrant workers
Fotozhabu: Carlsberg
Fotozhabu: Nicholas Sarkozy
Trophy-raid "Ladoga".
Who came up with the trolley for products?