12 things self-respecting man will never wear

Usually men wear horrible and not very fashion conscious. And would not hurt to teach boys from childhood that there is such a clothes with a certain age cannot wear. Well, that's not all here. The website offers to your attention a dozen eloquent examples:

Shirts with obviously bulging waist

Photo source: Lifter.com.IAATO, you can understand when you are still young and wears clothes for the older brothers, but for an adult this is unacceptable.

And of course, suits, tailored under another body

Men in large costumes upset more than the end of "Titanic."

Too wide, long and bright bottoms


Those awful galoshes

Seriously, leave them to the children.

T-shirt with cut out deep from the Mariana trench

If you are so eager to show off his chest go naked. Honestly, it will look much better.

T-shirts with funny inscriptions, from which no one is funny

No, we don't need a sex instructor.

Boxers does not reach the shorts

Listen, do you want to wear shorts, wear shorts. Not to show off.

Sandals from ancient times on top of white socks

Unless you are a time traveler, stuck in the present, refuse.

Those horrible pants, cropped below the knee, referred to as "Capri"

Fear God!

Straps with rivets

Never. Under any circumstances. They even emo longer wear.

Not to mention the straps for securing a phone

Like for a couple of decades we have learned to wear the device in the pockets, no?

Pointy shoes

Remember a simple rule: shoes must not be sharper than a knife.

via lifter.com.ua/ru/52


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