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Due to its natural properties of lemon peels on the basis of its acid effectively compete with the activity of the sebaceous glands, promote pores and reduce sebum secretion.

So often peeling on the basis of citric acid is recommended for the treatment of acne, rosacea.


LEMON PEEL: the rules of application

1. A means for peeling prepared in advance, following the guidelines for skin type and constituent ingredients. The prepared mask carefully stir until smooth.

2. Before applying the scrub the skin steam in the shower or tub, and only on cleansed, warmed skin apply with soft massaging movements.

3. The mask is kept on the skin for 5 – 15 minutes, depending on skin type and their own feelings. As a rule, for normal and dry skin optimal time is 5-8 minutes for oily and combination skin – 8-12.

4. Wash the tool with warm water, applied to the skin moisturizer.

5. Also, like any other peel, lemon it is recommended to do:

  • not more than 1 times a week for oily skin,
  • 1 times in 10-14 days — for normal skin,
  • not more often than 1 every 2-3 weeks for dry skin.

1 tablespoon of honey heated in a water bath and carefully mixed with 200 ml natural low-fat yogurt and juice of ½ lemon. Then whip egg whites and add to the mixture. Again stir.


To prepare this peel will need lemon zest – 1 teaspoon, which is mixed with 1 tablespoon oat or rice flour. In the mask add a small amount of water to get the consistency was easy to apply. In the absence of skin sensitivity to the mask, you can add ½ teaspoon of lemon juice.


Another recipe is the lemon peel is traditionally called English. For cooking zest of one lemon mixed with one tablespoon of natural oil. The recipe is enriched by 1-2 drops of lemon essential oil.


To prepare the lemon peel, grate on a small grater, zest one lemon. Add 100 g of sour cream or low-fat yogurt and 6-7 drops of essential oil of rosemary.

All components mix well and apply scrub on the problem areas. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

By the way, this same composition can be used for wraps.


You can find different reviews about the lemon as a cleansing cosmetic. It all depends on individual skin characteristics.

In some cases, peeling with lemon juice is indicated FOR USE?

  • For tired skin.
  • For contaminated skin with clogged pores.
  • For oily skin with a malfunction of the sebaceous glands.
  • For problematic skin.
  • For aging skin with the first signs of aging.
But for very dry, sensitive and irritable skin do lemon peels is recommended very carefully. To avoid side effects it is better to consult a specialist. Or choose those recipes peels that contain other moisturizing ingredients and emollients.


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Contraindicated cleanse lemon those who have open wounds on the face or large foci of inflammation, and also individual intolerance to citrus.published


Source: vk.com/wall-23903469?w=wall-23903469_1978


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