It is IMPORTANT to know! The digestion time of different foods

Few people think about the time of digestion. And in vain, because this information is very important for health.

The digestion time of various foods in the stomach can vary significantly.

Doctors strongly recommend not to mix foods that require different digestion time. Because it causes heaviness in the stomach, the formation of toxins and putrefaction.

While food is in the stomach, proteins and fats fully have time to split. You will be able to calculate the time and try not to eat, knowing that food is still being digested. This will help get rid of the habit to overeat.

Try not to eat 4 hours before bedtime so that the stomach rest.

The digestion products

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Consider the digestion time of different foods, and you will forget about problems with digestion and excess weight.published


Author: Natalia Kovalenko


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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