"Monkey Butter"

Unusual jam, conquering Americans. Prepare it at any time of the year. The taste can vary by adding mango. Experiment and create. Caution! Causes addiction in children :)


Bananas - 5 pcs.
Canned or fresh pineapple - 850 g
Coconut - 25 g
Lemon juice - 1-2 pieces
. Sugar - 320 g


1. Peel and slice the bananas.
2. Pineapple cut into slices. Together with the liquid to pour into the pan.
3. Pour the coconut.
4. First, add 320 grams of sugar and increase the taste.
5. Pour the fresh juice of 1-2 lemons.
6. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan.
7. Often, stirring, bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cook for 10 minutes. After a blender to whip up mass uniformity and cook until desired thickness.
8. Pour into sterilized jars and store no more than one month in the refrigerator.


See also

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