Scientists have learned what qualities are ruining our 10 appeal

Research, which had been worked scientific minds from different countries, proving that some qualities that make us less attractive. < Website offers 10 eloquent illustrations on this topic. Meet and take into service.

Nervous tension In 2013, the journal Biology Letters published evidence that women with high levels of the stress hormone cortisol are less attractive to men.

Dishonesty Lie, according to research related to one of the most repulsive human characteristics. Even the most insignificant.

Sleep deprivation In 2010, scientists from Sweden, have shown that the less a person sleeps, the more he pushes people around.

Ill In the Chinese study of 2014 volunteers were asked to rate photos of people with a neutral expression, but with different emotional signatures. It was found that malevolently minded people least like others.

closed body posture Scientists from four US universities concluded that the crossed arms, narrow shoulders, and other manifestations of a closed posture repel people.

Laziness specialists from the universities of Wisconsin and New York have shown that lazy people are not interested in the rest.

too happy look at the University of British Columbia in 2011 found that women push men over smiling.

too proud appearance during the above-mentioned study, the researchers also found that men are not attracted too proud woman.

A similar body odor at the University of New Mexico found that people with similar body odor are not attracted to each other because they subconsciously consider themselves relatives.

No sense of humor Psychologists from the University of Ulster have found that regardless of sex people with flat humorous less attractive.

Illustrator Natalia Kulakova The site specifically for
Based on materials iflscience

See also:
10 qualities that make a man attractive, regardless of its appearance
The law of human attraction, which no one knows



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