How to get rid of tartar without a dentist. It helps effective means!

Today, many people wondered, how to get rid of tartar at home? He was particularly concerned about those people who can not afford the expensive services of a dental clinic.

One of the tools that can remove the tartar , a decoction of the bark of young branches of a walnut. There are a mine of useful features! This tool has substances that can soften the plaque structure and facilitate its removal.

How to remove tartar at home usloviyahIngredienty
50 g of bark of young twigs of walnut 200 g of water ul >

Thoroughly wash young thin branches of the walnut. Take away from them bark and zaley her a glass of cold water. The resulting mixture was placed in a small saucepan and set it on a slow fire. Shall the broth to a boil, then let him prepare to simmer for another 15 minutes.

Ready broth should be used as follows: Moisten in it a toothbrush, then brush your teeth for 2-3 minutes. This procedure should be repeated 2 times a day for 2 months. Also, a decoction of the bark of young twigs of walnut provides a good prevention of oral diseases.

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