20 sculptures, defying gravity

The human imagination is boundless. Through his worldwide creative people create unique sculptures. Some of these creations defy logic and contrary to the laws of physics. They hover in the air, hang upside down or held by a mysterious technical tricks. One can only imagine how much work, talent, thoroughness is for each such product.

Today Website offers a walk through the world and see the spectacular sculptures, in which the author's imagination stepped beyond traditional concepts.

Balancing the wind gymnast, UAE

Soaring steel ball, Australia

Stronger than gravity, USA

Gymnast, USA

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show "Porsche", UK

final move, France

Floating elephant, France

securely suspended geometry USA

King and Queen, UAE

Boy with a dolphin, United Kingdom

Soccer, New Zealand

Stairway to heaven, Australia

Flying stone, Egypt

car upside down, United Kingdom

giant crane, Switzerland

Exhibition "Jaguar" car, UK

Levity sleeping baby, Singapore

handkerchief Gulliver, New Zealand

Coffee table on the hoop, Italy

sand sculptures, Puerto Rico

Based on the materials: dobain
Preview: Emil Alzamora

via www.emilalzamora.com/work.html


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