"Give your love?"

- Give your love
? - Give
! - She's in the mud ...
- Give
in the mud! - I want to tell fortunes ...
- Gadai
. - I also want to ask ...
- Ask
! - Let's knock ...
- Admitted
! - Let's summon ...
- Go
! - And if there is trouble
? - The trouble
! - And if the hype
? - Forgive
! - "Sing!" - You'll have ...
Sing! - Lock the door for a friend ...
- Lock the
! - I'll tell you: kill ..
! - Kill
! - I'll tell you: Die ..
! - Umrah
! - And if you choke
? - Savior
! - And if there is pain
? - Sterplyu
! - And if all of a sudden - Wall
? - Carry
! - And if - assembly
? - Chipped
! - And if a hundred knots
? - And a hundred
! - Love you give
? - Love
! - It will not be this
! - For what ?!
- For what
not like slaves.

Robert Christmas 1969

Photos on the preview: Natalia Mindru Photomicona

via www.facebook.com/PhotomiconaPhotography/photos/pb.277265372305776.-2207520000.1456820520./1071011692931136/?type=3&theater


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