Parents of a 2-year old kids to give it up, thinking he Warlock

"Thousands of children accused of witchcraft, and we found one such emaciated dying boy who wandered through the streets of Nigeria and no one wanted to help him," - the words of the Danish volunteer Anja Ringrin Loven (Anja Ringgren Loven), who rescued 2-year-old Nigerian boy , accused of witchcraft, and thrown into the street, where he stayed for 8 months. The exhausted sick child who fell down from hunger is now saved and has been named the sonorous name of Hope (Hope).

This boy was thrown out on the street because his parents thought that he koldun

He wandered through the streets of Nigeria for 8 mesyatsev

Danish volunteer Anja found it on January 31 calling the boy Houp

A child suffering from malnutrition and gelmintov

Because of Anya, he began to receive medical pomosch

And little by little vosstanavlivatsya

Now the state of Hope stabilno

"Today it can already sit and smile, looking at us. He is a strong boy "

"These photos speak for themselves"

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