11 most amazing Christmas trees World

One can not imagine New Year without a Christmas tree! The huge number of the holiday associates with decorated fir - real or artificial. The website offers you a selection of photos from around the world, in which the main character acts truly delightful Christmas tree.

Paris, France h3>

tree 25 meters long is decorated with the French department store Galeries Lafayette.

Melbourne, Australia h3>

The Christmas tree was built more than half a million pieces Lego.

Vilnius, Lithuania h3>

National tree on Cathedral Square.

New York, USA h3>

The extravagant opening of the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center.

Tegucigalpa, Honduras h3>

Due to its size and unusual, this tree has entered the Guinness World Records. Its construction involved almost 3000 people.

Gubbio, Italy h3>

Residents of Gubbio - real lucky, because I see the decorated Christmas tree from any point of the city: it is located on the Mount of InGen. The height of the Christmas beauty - more than 650 meters, the 1991 tree fell into the Guinness Book of Records.

Taipei, Taiwan h3>

The height of this LED tree - almost 36 meters. A month before holiday every half hour after sunset is a light show.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil h3>

This is the largest Christmas tree, its height - 82 meters. Christmas tree mounted on a special floating platform in the middle of the lake Lago. Each year, the Christmas tree is decorated differently and organize a light show on a variety of topics. For example, on the subject of light that passes 4 stages: from the light in the night when dreams are born before Christmas wish-fulfillment.

Washington, USA h3>

The National Christmas Tree. To get to the festival, she made her way from Alaska, breaking the nearly 7000 kilometers.

Byblos, Lebanon h3>

This 35-meter Christmas miracle is the oldest port in the world.

Turin, Italy h3>

Admire the original Christmas spruce can be in Piazza Castello.

via www.adme.ru/svoboda-puteshestviya/11-samyh-zrelischnyh-novogodnih-elok-mira-1128860/


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