Behind every great man is a great dog

You may think that only a cat, because of its natural mystery and elegance, pets can be creative people. But someone there is nothing dearer wet nose and infinitely kind heart dog.

Website shares the tender affection of famous artists, actors, musicians and writers are incredibly loyal to these creatures.

Artists h3>

Pablo Picasso and his dachshund dalmatian Perrault and Lumpy.

Musicians h3>

Paul McCartney and his bobtail March.

Billie Holiday and Mr.

Frank Sinatra and Ringo.

Cast h3>

Marilyn Monroe and IAF.

Elizabeth Taylor and her black and white pupils.

Audrey Hepburn and Mr. Celebrity.


Patrick Swayze with their pets.

Marlon Brando and his dachshund Kurtze Beiner (Short Paws).

Directors h3>

Alfred Hitchcock and his Sarah.

The writers and poets? h3>

Vladimir Mayakovsky and Skotik.

Stephen King and Marlowe.

Anton Chekhov and his dachshund Hin.

Photos in the preview: lady, gettyimages



See also

New and interesting