Tyubazh liver: the best recipe for cleansing the body in the home!

Tyubazh - this is an excellent method for preventing stagnation of bile, which in turn contributes to the formation of stones. In order to conduct tyubazh in a familiar home environment, do not need any special conditions or devices. You need only sorbitol and regular heater. By the way, do not forget that this procedure has a number of contraindications, so be sure to consult your doctor! Today we offer to your attention two recipes, which had a good account of ourselves and that definitely can not be ignored.

Recipe 1

1. Easy dinner no later than 19:00. Three hours later (at 22:00) Stir a tablespoon of sorbitol in a glass of water and drink immediately.
2. Then go to bed with warm water bottle in the liver area.

The procedure is repeated daily throughout the week.

Recipe 2

1. In the morning on an empty stomach drink 0, 5 cups of warm water or herbal infusion choleretic.
2. After 30 minutes a solution of a tablespoon of honey to 0, 5 cups of warm water and drink immediately.
3. Go to bed with a hot water bottle on the 1, 5 hours.
4. After the procedure, take a few deep breaths, sit-ups, and after that you can have breakfast.


gallstones; duodenal ulcer; pancreatitis; hepatitis; erosive duodenitis.
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