Buddha was canonized by the Christian Church of the Middle Ages as the St. Josaphat

in medieval Christian texts there is a mention of the Christian "versions" of the Buddha, which is named Jehoshaphat or losaph. For this version of the Indian King Abenner persecuted Christian Church, founded by the Apostle Thomas. The astrologers predicted that his son should become a Christian Abennera, in response to the king to isolate him from the world. Despite the isolation, losaph met the hermit Varlaam, who later became a Christian saint and took his faith. On hearing this, Abenner was furious, but the boy stubbornly insisted to remain a Christian. After some time, the king converted to Christianity, and then passed the throne to Josaphat.

Later Jehoshaphat became a hermit and joined the wandering Varlaam. After his death he was canonized as a saint. Today, this version is one of the many versions of Buddha's life because of the many similarities in the historical context.

via factroom.ru


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