100 methods for managing time, attention and energy

Translator's Note Translation first article from the blog «A Year of Productivity» was well received Habra community, and I was asked to translate a few articles from this blog. The following article - is the largest and closest to the practice, her translation dragged me for several months. Like the last time I recommend to read comfortably portions, recording (copying or somewhere) tips that I want to try to put into practice. I>

"Khaki" time
Toward the end of the year the study of productivity, I realized that every article that I wrote, can be attributed to one of three categories: how to better manage time, energy and attention.

Time Management - a good source of your productivity, but all three ingredients is absolutely essential if you want to be more productive on a daily basis. That is why the article you will find a set of techniques from all three areas.

For starters here are some of my favorite tricks on how to:
- Get more time;
- Spend time on the right things.

How do I get more time?
1. Plan less time on more important tasks. B> It seems counterintuitive, but in fact it is not. When you limit the amount of time you can spend on a task, you force yourself to spend more energy on the task for smaller period of time, allowing you to achieve results faster.

2. Stop watching TV. B> The average person spends 13.6 years during the lifetime of watching TV - you can spend that time on more important tasks.

3. Keep a "diary of time». B> If you keep track of how you spend your time, you can see how much time is wasted. This will help you cope with the loss of time and understand how you can spend more time more effectively.

4. Say "no" to obligations that consume your resources of time, energy and attention. B> The best way to have a great time - it does not start doing unproductive things. Resists to undertake unproductive ** t on.

5. Remember that "the best - the enemy of good». B> Your apartment will never be 100% removed - something will always be out of place. Know where to stay - especially for not very useful tasks.

6. Assign the "Economic Day". Group all its economic affairs (laundry, shopping, cleaning, watering flowers, etc) with one day a week - then you will have more time for important tasks in the remaining days.

7. Do not work more than 35 hours a week. Studies show that higher productivity and creativity, you should not work more than 35 hours a week. Processing can lead to greater productivity, but only in the very short term.

8. Do not write email ' s longer than five sentences, and mention about this in the signature. B> Using this hack I pass on their "Inbox" as crazy as most people absolutely do not mind when you write short and to the point.

9. Tame your inbox with the help of "The email game" , If you're using Gmail. "The email game" - it's totally free web-application that is built into your Gmail account and geymifitsiruet process of response to the letters.

10. Sign in unroll.me , If you are using mail Gmail, Yahoo or Outlook.com. Unroll.me collects all your regular subscription in one convenient, daily email. I highly recommend this service ( Translator's Note: i> I tried it, and within five minutes unsubscribed from 80 deliveries. Cool! I>)

11. Cease to sort your emails into folders. B> It is proved that the search for emails in your email client is much faster than searching for an orderly folders.

12. Learn touch typing. The average printing speed of about 40 words per minute; blind printing can increase it up to 60-80 words per minute, and the increase of 50-100%. You quickly notice the time saved. ( Translator's Note: i> fully support and recommend the online or offline version i> «Solo on the keyboard» i> , has both the online and offline version i>)

13. Keep track of what you spend time working on the computer with the free app RescueTime (for Mac, PC and Android). You may be surprised to know how much time you are wasting.

14. Saves a significant portion of their income. This will save you a few decades of working life, if you choose to work less and retire early to take a more useful things.

How to spend time on more useful things?
15. Identify the most significant for the task. B> Make a list of all the tasks that you are responsible at work, then ask yourself: "If I could only do three of them throughout the day, what would I choose?" These three tasks you have to invest 80-90% of their time.

16. Reduce the amount of time you spend on something until you feel that you are doing it without stress. This is a great way to bring new life into their habits. "Can I meditate for 15 minutes? No, too difficult, I will not do it. Well, how about ten? Still too long. Maybe five? Yes, I can do it without stress. I can sit for five minutes. " Boom.

( Translator's Note: i> the author is referring to the case that you need to force yourself to perform for the formation of good habits. The idea is not necessarily to force myself to just do a lot of - more important regularity i>).

17. Work on the important but not urgent tasks. B> Every day to do at least one important and urgent problem - then you will be sure to move ahead, not just extinguish fires every day.

18. Work on the "method of tomatoes." «Method tomatoes" - this time management technique in which you're working on a task exactly 25 minutes, then make a five-minute break. It is extremely effective.

19. Make a list of cases for procrastination. B> Make a list of useful things that you can do when you prokrastiniruete. This will allow you to stay productive even when your brain rejects the things you need to do. ( Translator's Note: i> the author proposes to divide the "constructive" and "destructive" procrastination. As a "constructive", he cites examples such as the dismantling of a table or attending aerobics classes, as "destructive" - ​​toys and mobiles Looking at pictures of girls on Facebook. For those interested in the subject, he offers a site i> "Structured Procrastination" i> ).

20. Live by the "rule of two minutes." The rule of two minutes (from the book by David Allen «As a result affairs in order ») said that if the task takes you less than two minutes, instead of recording it in the to-do list - you just need to do it.

21. Plan your free time. This may sound wrong, something that you do not want to do, but it was proved that the introduction of structure in their spare time makes you happier and more motivated.

22. Choose the following task , focusing on four things: the context in which you are (work, home, cottage, etc), the amount of free time, energy level and what important tasks you face right now.

23. Spend time deliberately i>. continuously monitor and ponder how you spend your time (and energy and attention) during the day. I usually do this by putting the alarm clock on your phone every hour.

24. Plan your time, completely disconnected from the work. When you are totally disabled from work, your brain continues to work on work tasks, but in the background - and you can do other things.

25. Spend more time on planning. Every minute scheduling spends five minutes to execute. If you're just do i>, not looking to work with a plan - you will be hard work smarter.

26. Understand what people mean when they say "I do not have time for it». B> If someone says that he does not have something of time, in fact, they say that the problem for them is not very much and it is important.

27. Wait a little before you send emails or SMS. Give your brain time to complete and execute ideas. Then you do what you write more complete, meaningful and creative. The world does not fall apart and you will be able to convey his idea more strongly.

"Khaki" energy
Energy - is the fuel that you burn during the day to do something. There are many factors that affect the amount of your daily energy, but any factor that affects the energy of any impact on your body or your brain.

Here are some tactics to get more physical and mental energy.

Corporal "hacks»
28. Practice. B> From my point of view, the exercise - this is the best way to get more energy. In addition, they only give you energy - they help fight disease, improve your mood and help you sleep better.

29. Eat right. What you eat has a big impact on your energy levels. The worse you eat, the faster you will burn out, and the less energy you have left for work.

30. Stop drinking coffee out of habit. B> Caffeine begins to lose effect when you drink it out of habit, but it is very effective when you drink it strategically (for example, when you need a powerful flow of energy or attention to focus).

31. Consume caffeine wisely. Drink coffee for longer; Coffee wash down with water; Avoid energy drinks and sugar; Eat well when you consume caffeine; do not drink coffee on an empty stomach; Wait a second before you drink coffee or tea.

32. Stop drinking coffee for 4-6 hours before bedtime. According to the FDA (Office of the Food and Drug Administration), caffeine usually reaches a peak of action for an hour and operates from four to six hours later.

33. Drink more water. B> Water increases your energy, accelerates metabolism, it helps to think, suppresses appetite, helps your body flush out toxins, reduces the risk of many diseases, improves the complexion and even save you money!

34. Drink a pint of water immediately after waking up. As soon as you wake up, drink at least 500 ml. water. Your body just spent 8 hours without food, and it is likely dehydrated.

35. Keep a "food diary". The people who write down what they eat, do not usually overeat, and usually eat up to 30% less than those who do not lead such a diary.

36. Sleep enough, even if it needs to sleep a little longer. Sleep improves your concentration, attention, decision-making skills, creativity, social skills and health; reduces mood swings, stress, anger and impulsivity. Also, there is no difference in the socio-economic situation between the "larks" and "owls».

37. Say no "glass of the night». B> Drinking alcohol before going to sleep impairs the quality of sleep, so the next morning you will have less energy. Drink anything else or drink alcohol earlier in the evening.

38. Install the air conditioning in your office at 21-22ºC. This is the temperature that makes you more productive.

39. Install the air conditioner at 18.5ºC at night. Most studies recommend setting the thermostat to 18.5ºC while you sleep. Imagine my bedroom cave - cool, dark and quiet.

40. Take a nap. If you feel that your energy is out, or that it is regularly reduced to one and the same time of day - Get some sleep. Short sleep improves your memory, makes you more alert and vigilant, to prevent burnout and improves your creativity.

41. Watch out for how much energy you have, and act accordingly. If you are constantly asking yourself how much energy you have, you can make adjustments - or recharge when the power is small, or do more large-scale, complex tasks when you have a lot of energy. After a while, you'll also start to notice patterns.

42. Determine your "biologically better time» (the time of day when you are most productive) driving schedule their energy levels during the week.

43. Smile! B> A smile increases your immunity, makes you happier, it helps you cope with stress and to focus on the bigger picture, increases the level of confidence okruzhayuschihi do you feel better.

44. Color your office in the correct colors. B> The science says that you have to paint the room blue, to stimulate your brain, to yellow, to stimulate emotions and green, to stimulate a sense of balance.

45. Do not expose yourself "blue emission" before going to bed. There are too many "blue light" (from a smartphone, tablet or computer) before going to sleep - is harmful.

46. Get more natural light. B> Natural light helps you sleep better, reduces stress, increases energy levels and makes it easier to focus.

47. Download f.lux . B> f.lux shifts the color of your computer in the red spectrum after where you live, the sun sets. This allows your body to secrete more melatonin, improving the quality of your sleep. ( Translator's Note: I read from the screen turned reddish hard enough, so I quickly disabled this application) i>

"Khaki" Mind
48. Arguments changes to automatism through habit. B> I believe that automatism new behaviors - the key to ensuring that they are preserved. Here is my interview with Chalz Dahiggom, author of « The force of habit », on how to form new habits.

49. Invest in stress reduction strategies that really work , for example, exercise, reading, listening to music, time spent with friends and family, massages, nature walks, meditation, and time spent on creative hobbies.

50. Take more breaks. Breaks allow you to escape from work, recharge, come up with new ideas; stop and think about your work, and eventually - make you more productive.

51 . Start small. I think one of the keys to greater productivity -delat one small change at a time. The smaller the change you are trying to bring into your life, the more likely that you really do.

52. You see, when you senseless cruelty to her. David Allen, who wrote «How affairs in order" , it says that 80% of what you think of yourself - it is negative. Try to understand where your cruelty in relation to itself is meaningless, to make your journey to greater productivity more pleasurable.

53. Shift into more friends in the office. B> Friendship in the office increases your appreciation of the work by an average of 50%, increases your involvement in the 7 times, and 40% increases the chance to get a raise ( link to the English ).

54. Look at your calendar for the last couple of months , to understand with whom you met. Which of these meetings have given you the greatest amount of happiness, energy and drive? Organize more meetings with these people.

55. Lower your expectations. B> This may sound a bit strange, but the decline in expectations gives you more confidence, enabling you to relax, have more fun and not worry about how to prove something to others.

56. Realize that others do not care. When you realize that most of the people do not care about your success, money, clothes, house and car, you will find that you are much freer than you thought before. You can take more risks, because your life is not predetermined, and you will be able to more freely do what you like.

57. Eat consciously. The conscious mind gives you the power to realize that you will soon be full and satisfied, and prevents overeating, depleting your energy resource.

58. Use visualization techniques. What is your favorite visualization - imagine that you have just received an urgent message, and tomorrow you will have a month to leave the city. That will allow you to make sure you've done everything you need before you leave? As if you did not answer - begin work on this task.

59. Promote conflict rather than avoid it. B> You are most productive when you have an average level of conflict and stress - not too little and not too much.

60. Download Coffitivity (online, Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac). been proven , background noise that coffee increases your productivity and creativity.



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