"Cat" in all languages

English language- Cat
Arabic language- Kit or Biss
Afrikans- Keht; kitten - Ketdzhi
Bolgarskiy- Kotka; Cat - Kotarak
Welsh - Kahz
Hungarian - Matsska or Tsitsa. The Hungarians call their cats - Tsitsuka, Tsitsus-Mitsus, Nuau-nuau
Vietnamese - Con Mko
Hawaiian - asses, and a kitten Kiki
Manx Gaelic language - Kate (the cat at all) Stubbin (Manx breed), Pishin Kate (kitten)
Gollandskiy- Kate Ketdzhi diminutive plural Kettn; Cat - pois, Poisdzhe diminutive plural Poizn; Cat - Kete, Ketetdzhi diminutive plural Ketes
Greek - cat - Gata, and the cat Gatos.
Dari (one of the languages ​​of Afghanistan) - Pisz cat, cat - write, Pichot.
Datskiy- Cat
Jewish - cat - Chatul and cat Chatula
In Egipte- Mau
Yiddish - Cats
Indonesian - Kutdzhin
Irish - Cat
Irish (Gaelic) - Pishkin
Icelandic - Kettur, Kish
Spanish - cat-el gato-gato, gatito kitten, cat gata
Italian - Cat - Gatto, kitty-cat - Gattina
Chinese: Mau
Korean - Kohyangi
Khmer - Chmar
Latin - Felis Felix
Lithuanian - Katinas - cat; Katya - a cat.
Mayan language - Mies
Malayziyskiy- Kukin
Maltese - Kuatus (cat) Kuatussa - cat
In Mexico - Felino (cat), Felina (cat), and the plural - Feline; Gato (cat), Gata (cat), and the plural - Cat
German - cat - Kete, and the cat - Ketse, kitten - Mitsikettsi
German (Swiss) - Basie
Norwegian - Catt
Pakistan - Shimi
Polish - Cat (Cat), Kotka (cat), and a kitten - Kotek
Portuguese - Gata (cat), and the cat - Gato
Pashto (one of the languages ​​of Afghanistan) - narpishak cat, cat - Pishak, hump
Romanian - Pisikuh
Serbian - Makka
Slovak - cat or Mizhu or Kotsё and cat Maçka
Swahili - Pak
Thailand - Mayer-oh
Tamil - Pune
Tsalagi (Cherokee) - Vise
Turkish language - Keady
Farsi (Persian or Iranian) - Gorban, Bach Gorban (kitten) Write
Filipino - Busan, kitten - Kitin on Visayanskom dialect kitten - Chicken
Finnish - Kissa, Kathy (diminutive)
French - Sha -kot, Sat - cat Bezel - kitten
Hindi - Minus (cats) kittens - Minusis
Gypsy (Lovarsky dialect) - Flour
Cherokee Language: Cinta pronounced
Czech: cat - Kochour cat - bump
Chuvash: kuzhak (accent on the "a»).
Swedish - Catt
In Shveytsarii- Mau
Eskimo - Pussy
Esperanto - Kato (Elementary)
In Ethiopia - Domaso
Japanese - NEKK

Spaynet - cat obeboshka.


See also

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